Write A Strong Essay Introduction In 4 Steps

A good introduction paragraph is both engaging and informative. Catch your reader’s attention and interest. Give context and background on your topic. Set up the focus and purpose of your essay. This introduction example is taken from our interactive essay example on the history of Braille. The invention of Braille marked a major turning point in the history of disability.The writing system of raised dots, widely used by blind and visually impaired people, was developed by Louis Braille in nineteenth-century France. Although it initially met with resistance from sighted people, Braille eventually became central to blind people's education and autonomy, giving them unprecedented access to cultural activities and social participation.The idea of tactile reading was not entirely new; Braille adapted and simplified existing methods to create the first writing system specifically for blind people. But its success depended on acceptance among sighted people before the social status of blindness could truly be transformed, and this process was shaped by broader debates about disabled people’s place in society. Your first sentence sets the tone for the whole essay, so spend some time on writing an effective hook.

Avoid long, dense sentences — start with something clear, concise and catchy, and make sure it’s directly relevant to what follows. In academic essays, don’t worry too much about coming up with a hugely creative or exciting hook — it’s more important that your first sentence leads the reader into your essay and gives a good sense of what it will be about. The invention of Braille marked a major turning point in the history of disability. This sentence makes a bold claim that emphasizes the importance of the topic, but it doesn’t over-generalize. It gives a good idea of the essay’s general purpose and approach, but doesn’t give away too much information. Next, give your reader the background information they need to understand your topic and argument. The information you give should be broad but clearly focused and relevant to your argument. Don’t give too much detail — you can mention points that you will return to later, but save your evidence and interpretation for the main body of the essay. How good introduction paragraph for an essay need for background depends on your topic and the scope of your essay. Post has been generated by Essay Writers.

The writing system of raised dots, widely used by blind and visually impaired people, was developed by Louis Braille in nineteenth-century France. Although it initially met with resistance from sighted people, Braille eventually became central to blind people’s education and autonomy, giving them unprecedented access to cultural activities and social participation. What is your plagiarism score? Compare your paper with over 60 billion web pages and 30 million publications. Now it’s time to narrow your focus and show what your essay aims to do. This is your thesis statement — a sentence or two that sums up your focus and overall argument. This part of the introduction paragraph is important to set the limits of your essay and let the reader know exactly which aspect of the topic you will address. The thesis statement often takes the form of a strong argument for a particular position. The idea of tactile reading was not entirely new; Braille adapted and simplified existing methods to create the first writing system specifically for blind people.

But its success depended on acceptance among sighted people before the social status of blindness could truly be transformed, and this process was shaped by broader debates about disabled people’s place in society. The two-sentence thesis statement covers the main points that the essay will discuss: Braille’s development from other tactile reading systems, its effect on blind people’s status, and the social processes that allowed it to become successful. Although in this case there is no direct argumentative statement, the thesis still takes a clear position: the underlying argument is for Braille’s importance in relation to the social context of the time. As you research and write, your argument might change focus or direction as you learn more. For this reason, it’s often a good idea to wait until later in the writing process before you write the introduction paragraph — it can even be the very last thing you write. Whether you write your introduction first, last or somewhere in between, you should return to it and check that it matches the content of the essay. Make sure you have included only necessary and relevant information.

These are just a few suggestions to get budding writers to think about how to effectively close their persuasive essays. No matter which approach you choose, remember the importance of your parting words to the reader and dedicate an appropriate amount of time to closing your essay with finesse. Looking For Something Else? Still looking for something? Online Reading Activities: Complete on phones, tablets, or computers. Print, save, or email results as a PDF. Chess | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. TV | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. Metal Detectors | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. Tetris | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. Seat Belts | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. The Coliseum | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. The Pony Express | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. Wintertime | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. Reading | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. Black Friday | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. Hummingbirds | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. Carnivorous Plants | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. Google | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr. Honey Badgers | Nonfiction Reading Test (Gr.