Much Ado About Nothing (How To Write When Inspiration Is Lacking)

Why Did I Read That? Do you ever read an article on-line or a hub and think to yourself, "Why did I read that?" or come away scratching your head, none the wiser than before you read it, maybe even totally confused? Maybe you were drawn in by the catchy title or beautiful lead image or photo. Possibly it was written by someone you follow or who has a reputation for great writing. Perhaps it was recommended by or shared by a friend on social media. The truth is that sometimes people write shit. It doesn't matter who they are, or think they are. I am sure even the most popular authors like Steven King, John Grisham and the like have written things they aren't proud of. You need to keep those hubs pumping out or your "hubber score" will plummet and we don't want that do we? Can't have our imaginary status as best poet, fiction writer, how-to king, recipe queen or health and fitness guru falling because we haven't churned out new material to please Mr Google can we? We need to consider who we write for.

Do we write for ourselves and our self-improvement, or to entertain and inform others? Probably a combination of all of these. So, you desperately need to put pen to paper, or finger to the keyboard and churn something out - but Heaven forbid if what you write turns out rubbish. Then your hub will not pass the quality audit, will be 'unfeatured', and won't get any exposure. If it doesn't get traffic, well no one will see the advertising and Hub Pages won't make any money from your article and, subsequently, neither will you. What is the Answer? So, what is the answer? Simple, just make sure your hub contains enough words - 1200 is said to be the optimum number. Then throw in three related photos, any old stuff as long as it is original and good quality, or legally and properly attributed images from the Internet. Get out your digital camera, IPad, or smart phone and go snap some pics of your yard, garden, family, pets etc etc. 's a good idea to start a file and keep a collection of pics that may be useful in your future articles and hubs.

This post was written by Essay Freelance Writers!

As I said before, at least three photos per hub will keep the HP gods happy as long as they relate to the content. What else do you need to bring your hub up to scratch? Well, don't forget the video. It doesn't have to be one that you have made yourself. After all most of us aren't fortunate to be as photogenic as George Clooney, or have the voice of Maria Carey. So just find something on You Tube that's relevant to what you have written and everyone will be happy. What Do You Think? Do you usually include polls in your hubs? Almost all the time. Sometimes, when I have a relevant question to ask. Not often, but I'm willing to experiment with them more. See results What More Can I Do? There are still a few other things you can do to make your hub a success.

Why not include a poll? Hub Pages loves polls. They engage your audience and encourage them to spend more time reading your hub. Place the poll towards the top of your hub so that they see it before they get too bored with the rest of the content. If you place it at the end most people won't even bother to answer it because they will already have the information they were looking for and will be anxious to move on to something else. You can also add a quiz, recipe, or table if they are suitable for your hub, and of course a map would be nice. I don't know why, unless it is a travel article or relates to a specific area, but throw one in just because you can. Your hub should be looking pretty damn good by now, with enough words, pictures, video, poll, table and map.