Mommy & Baby: Feeding Philosophies - Free Article Courtesy Of

Most moms are and thats why they wing it. There are groups that will promote a particular type of feeding based on a political agenda (did you know that how you feed your baby is a politically-correct hot button?) and philosophy. There are others who will condemn you for even considering feeding your child formula, regardless of your reasons. Im not going to condemn anyone here or even talk about what to feed your baby. I just want to make you aware of your options and suggest that parent-directed feeding (PDF) is good for babies, mommies, and families in general. How you decide to feed your baby will have a profound effect on your childs hunger patterns, sleep patterns, and general disposition. When I talk about PDF, Im not talking about letting the clock rule when you feed your baby, but using a flexible schedule. This generally serves both baby & mother and takes much of the guess-work involved in feeding and parenting out of the equation. Its my experience that both mommy & baby do better when the babys life is guided by this flexible schedule. Data was generated with the help of Essay Writers.

PDF is a middle-ground between hyper-scheduling (letting the clock rule your feeding routines) and demand-feeding (every time your baby cries, you feed him). This method is child-oriented (not child-centered or mother-centered); the mother cooperates with her babys needs, and her baby learns to cooperate with his mothers guidance. Much of parent-directed feeding requires some common sense and a commitment to not be ruled by the clock and The Rules. No one who practices PDF will tell you that you should not feed your baby if he is hungry; your role as a mommy is to meet his needs, and that includes adequate nutrition. Additionally, no one who uses this method will tell you that you must let your baby wait if hes hungrythats being a slave to the clock, and not being responsive to your babys needs. Instead, you will meet your childs needs without being enslaved to them or someone elses ideas of how you should feed your baby. Thats the freedom that PDF can bring to your life and the life of your baby! Kirsten Hawkins is a baby and parenting expert specializing new mothers and single parent issues.

A black person with Kenyan heritage for a president. Missed having a female for president by a whisker. A business tycoon with no history in politics for a president. These three scenarios show a continent that’s open to political diversity, where else on earth can those scenarios play out? Almost every essay about freedom never misses mentioning politics and democracy, because they are the backbone of society. Any society that doesn’t respect this has problems with coexistence. Its respect of these two factors can describe freedom in America. You can speak your mind without fear of being reprimanded as long as it doesn’t infringe on the right of others. This what liberty in America looks like. Journalists are not denied the chance to report the news as it is. The opportunity to speak your thoughts and mind is just freedom of expression. A freedom essay, regardless of its focus, always mentions speech.

Did you know that there are actual places on earth where women cannot speak in a gathering where men are? It is unbelievable and a backward way of living in this century. The fact that you can get up each morning and speak as you wish, on social media, through music or poetry, among others, must be appreciated. There are places where the government regulates access to media platforms such as Facebook. All that America asks of you is that you don’t misuse this freedom by causing harm to others or yourself. Religion is more of a hot topic and one that I would not want to go into deeply. There have been so many deaths for centuries because of it. I say both because this is a personal choice and whatever you believe to be right is. America, despite suffering much from the war on religion, has been open to letting all practice the faith that they desire.

This is among the top defining features of how American freedom looks like. Freedom in America Essay can worship in your way. Sadly, it is the opposite of specific regions. Many have been executed because of holding different religious beliefs. Even immigrants in this nation are not denied a chance to worship as they please, unlike some countries where practicing a religion different from theirs is a cause for arrest or even execution. An essay on freedom always has a way of letting us see how flawed we are as human beings. Why would we want to force our faith onto someone else when it is a personal decision? Regardless of our religious beliefs, we should coexist with each other. The liberty to realize your dreams only happens in America. There is a saying that dreams only come true in America. Well, the system of society is such that it is open to one and all, and what they have to offer. If you’re good at something, don’t shy away from it because, in this great land, you can be whomever and whatever you aspire to be. There are countless opportunities available for your dreams to be realized, and you have the freedom to cease these opportunities. This freedom in America essay example highlights to us what freedom in America is and what is special about it. The truth is that the American society is so advanced that people have the freedom to hold a different political, religious and social belief without any repercussions so long as it doesn’t negatively affect others. The liberty expressed in America is an inspiration to most societies today. This is why American freedom deserves the attention it gets. It is an anchor for communities across the globe.