Racism Sample Essay, With Outline - Gudwriter.com

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It is essential to evaluate how racism has transformed since the 19th century to modern-day forms. In the 19th century, racism was open and acceptable in the American society. During these years the whites were treated as superiors to people of color (Jahoda, 2009). People of color were a source of labor and servants to the whites. The acceptable name for people of color in the 19th century was slaves (Jahoda, 2009). Slave trade was multimillion-dollar business that was practiced freely in most parts of the world in the 19th century (Jahoda, 2009). Even the people of color themselves new that they were inferior to the whites, but could not act as state governments were in support of their treatment. Racism during the 19th century was an ordinary and acceptable practice in the 19th century. However, today racism is hidden but very prevalent in the society. After civil rights movements rose in the 19th and 20th century and pushed for the emancipation of people of color from slavery, governments acted and ended the practice. Laws were put in place to end slavery.

Policies were made to ensure that people of color had equal rights as the whites (Brown, 2004). However, fewer efforts if any have been made to ensure that indeed people of color enjoy the same rights as the whites. The American law favors the whites over people of color (Brown, 2004). In the past, racism was an open practice, but today it is hidden, and one has to look deep inside social interactions to spot racial discrimination. In the 19th century, people of color had no rights as they were considered as property to their merchants (Mosse, 1995). racism thesis statement were exposed to inhumane treatment such as often beatings and being overworked (Mosse, 1995). They were not allowed to own property and had no freedom to do as they pleased. During these years, the lives of people of color were dependent on the choices of their owners (Mosse, 1995). The whites had the right to kill people of color who went against their rules. People of color were aware of what would happen to them if they acted against the command of their merchants.

In the modern day world, people of color have rights that warrant them equal treatment as the whites, but these laws are just a way to justify the end of racial discrimination. In the past, no laws were prohibiting racial discrimination, and therefore people of color had no issues with the treatment they received from the whites (Brown, 2004). However, today with such laws in place people of color would expect fair treatment, but this has not happened since the 19th century. The American criminal justice system evidences this allegation, people of color are treated more harshly by the law than the whites (Brown, 2004). If both a white and black person commits murder, they will be given different sentences with the white person getting a fair one. In the 19th century, people of color had no rights to own property as they were regarded as the property of the whites (Jahoda, 2009). But when slavery came to an end, they were given the right to own property. This was created with the help of Essay Writers!

However, these laws did not bring an end to racial discrimination is it arose in property ownership (Jahoda, 2009). The whites could not allow people of color to own property in areas where they resided. History shows that the whites cautioned real estate dealers from allowing people of color to own homes in areas where they lived (Jahoda, 2009). The value of land or property owned by people of color would fall, while that of property owned by whites would rise. Today, there are residential areas owned by whites only and people of color can never be allowed to own property in such areas. Brutality on people of color was a common practice in the 19th century, but laws were later put in place to stop such treatments (Mosse, 1995). However, brutality on people of color has continued to spread not just among ordinary white persons but also the police.