3 Ways To Score A 9 On An AP English Essay - WikiHow

Try some practice essays. Practice writing this essay before the exam by looking over past essay prompts and examples that students have written. Underline when an example essay uses evidence to support a claim, and identify how often a writer uses transition words. Be aware of the time constraints as you do your sample essays. Practicing with the time pressure will help you fit everything in on exam day. Keep in mind that you have 120 minutes to write 3 essays. Read each prompt carefully. Your initial strategy for getting a high mark on the AP English essay is to forget writing for a moment and focus on reading the prompt. You need to fully understand what the prompt is saying before attempting to write about it. This is because your job is to analyze it, not summarize it. Remember that there are 3 different prompts and essays you’ll need to complete for this exam, and each one has a different purpose. Write an AP English Essay on the exam is “synthesis.” You’ll read various texts on the same topic and craft an argument that synthesizes these texts. This has been created with https://essayfreelancewriters.com!

The second prompt is “rhetorical analysis.” A non-fiction work will be provided for you to analyze the intended meaning based on the writer’s use of language. The third prompt is “argument.” You must craft an argument based on a given topic. Make notes in the margins and underline key parts of the prompt. Follow the acronym SOAPSTone to help you answer key questions about the prompt: Speaker, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Subject, Tone. Craft a thesis statement. Once you’ve read the supplied text or prompt, you’ll need to decide how to approach the essay. A thesis directly answers the prompt and makes a claim that can be disputed. You may want to include the basic gist of the evidence you have gathered as part of your thesis sentence. A thesis sentence usually appears at the end of the intro paragraph, often as the very last sentence. Gather evidence. After deciding what your thesis will be, you need to gather evidence to support it.

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The key to getting a 9 on an AP English essay is coming up with plenty of evidence. If the prompt provides you with a passage to analyze, underline quotes that will support your thesis. Then think of examples independent from the text that will support it. Having a list of evidence to choose from as you go makes writing your essay that much faster. Create an outline. One you have formulated a clear thesis statement and made a list of evidence to draw from, it is imperative that you now create an outline. This is because an outline helps you organize your ideas so that your essay is clear and direct. Make sure the flow of the essay is logical, going in order of occurrence if you are using events as examples, or making sure that you don’t present one example without first introducing where you might find it. The first paragraph is the intro paragraph, followed by at least 3 body paragraphs, and ends with a conclusion sentence. Map out this outline on paper before starting the essay.

You may find it useful to fill in topic sentences in the outline before writing the essay so that you can stay focused when writing the essay. Make sure the opening is strong. Although AP readers are told to grade the essay in its entirety, essays that stand out are the ones that begin with a strong lead-in. Start your essay with a hook sentence to get the reader’s attention, followed by three or four sentences explaining your topic, and end with the thesis sentence. In this paragraph, you should introduce the author and title of any literature you are analyzing, followed by a reiteration (though not repetition) of the prompt. You should also include any literary elements that would help your analysis. Use topic sentences. If you haven’t included topic sentences already in the outline, it is important to create them now. Topic sentences guide each paragraph and create a claim for each one.