A Guide To Help You Write A Captivating Racism Thesis Statement

Being a student, you’ll have to tackle a couple of assignments within the course of your studies. Key among them is racism essays, projects which are quite popular among teachers and professors. While they may seem like easy tasks, with numerous sources and topics on the internet, such projects require a bit more care and attention. Among many things, first, you will need to come up with a powerful racism thesis statement. It should help the reader understand the message in your essay from the onset. Now, we know that this is something which causes sleepless nights for most students. That’s why we’ve put together a host of tips, guidelines and of course, examples of how to write a thesis statement about racism. New Technology: Beneficial or Dangerous? In truth, racism is a long-lasting and pressing problem which affects millions of people from across the world. That’s why it will be so easy for you to get an informative topic in this field.

It can be anything - history, politics, art, etc. You can even choose a controversial subject, but you’ll have to watch your language (avoid offensive or rude words). Whichever the issue you decide to talk about, without a well-constructed thesis statement on racism, your paper will only get a low score. To write a captivating article on this subject, you’ll need to find enough evidence to support your point of view. Do you agree that this kind of segregation is still a huge problem in society today? If you do, then choose a topic and come up with a thesis statement on racism that highlights the significance of this issue. It’s been proven black people are involved in more police killings than their white counterparts. In fact, Joshua Correll, A University of Colorado Boulder affirmed this in his research by designing a game where everyone got to be a police officer. This data was created with Essay Freelance Writersversion.

The eventual results showed that despite their race, many were willing to take the life of a black person but were hesitant when it came to that of a white person. Such shows that despite the strides made by our forefathers in eradicating us from this ‘disease,’ it continues to ‘plague’ our modern societies. We’ve slowly gotten used to the awful cases of workplace discrimination and even violence. Hence, if you’re writing about the state of prejudice in the workplace environment, your thesis statement for racism here should mention the problems which exist in this particular sphere. Normally, females are subject to discrimination within the workplace. However, racism is still a serious issue as whites are considered to be more mentally superior which means that they get top-ranked jobs in the organization with high pay. On the other hand, blacks are basically known for their physicality, meaning that they get physical jobs, most of which pay less.

https://essayfreelancewriters.com/blog/racism-thesis-statement-examples/ of Anti-racism involves a set of policies, movements, and beliefs which emerged to fight the effects of racism. Here, you will find men and women who rose up in one voice to campaign for an equal society. If you decide to go with this topic, craft a thesis statement that brings out the emotions of your readers. One was imprisoned for almost half his life while the other was brutally assassinated. All in all, what’s clear is that the policies, beliefs, and works of Nelson Mandela and Rev. Martin Luther King Junior have contributed greatly to the egalitarian society that we currently enjoy. In fact, it’s because of them that blacks and whites can now walk freely together on the streets, interact with each other as they look to build a brighter future. It’s quite hard to imagine a life without advertisements, right? Well, sadly, this is also a sector that’s filled with a lot of racism cases. According to several studies, black men and women are underrepresented when it comes to advertisements, both online ads and television commercials.

In fact, the U.S Census showed that 65 % of American Citizens are white the others are considered to be minorities. Besides, only 7% of advertisements involve blacks while other racial minorities are rarely represented. Racism has always been a delicate subject, and everyone has developed his or her own point of view on this subject. There’s no doubt that there are several issues which result from racism. Key among them is fear and the constant need for protection. Fear arises when we face something unfamiliar or when someone or something we love and cherish is put under threat. Another significant cause of racism is ignorance which makes both uneducated and unaware people condone such prejudice. Do you love reading books, listening to music and watching movies? Well, this is one of the areas with a huge variety of topics on racism. There are a lot of racism thesis statement examples here because of the popularity that comes with Disney films.